20 Spanish Baroque Pieces By Gaspar Sanz Arranged For Uke BK/CD
This volume contains 20 pieces by the famous Baroque guitarist Gaspar Sanz (1640 - 1710) arranged specially for the Ukulele. Sanz ' works are tuneful and memorable, with fiery cross-rhythms and cascading scale passages. He published three books of Guitar music. The baroque Guitar could be viewed as a close relative of the Ukulele. Indeed, the two instruments have much in common. The smaller four-course Guitar actually had the same tuning as the Ukulele, for example, although it was largely double-strung. Sanz enjoyed playing scales in the campanella style, with the notes of a scale set out on different strings, sonically overlapping slightly in the style of little bells. This is a technique the Ukulele excels at, and is used to good effect in these arrangements. Sanz' music for baroque Guitar transfers exceptionally well to the Ukulele, as these arrangements demonstrate. It is hoped that this repertoire will bring a refreshing addition to the repertoire of the Ukulele, just as the little instrument can bring a freshness to these old but lively pieces.